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Scotland boasts some of the world's most romantic castles. Maybe you've had the privilege of visiting one: Edinburgh, Dunvegan, Urquhart,
Thanks to the mega-hit Outlander, it's impossible to wander through the Scottish Highlands without thinking of standing stones and portals
As I write, I look out on a thick blanket of snow rolling down to a frozen white lake. Ice
MY DEBUT NOVEL, A Dream of Death, will be published by Crooked Lane Books in April of 2019. The setting,
  per·se·ver·ance noun \ˌpər-sə-ˈvir-ən(t)s\ First known use: 14th century :The quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something
A recent post on the Jungle Red Writers' Blog, "On Killing Rachel," (http://www.jungleredwriters.com/2014/11/on-killing-rachel.html) reminded me of my three new best friends  No one has
The main character in my mystery, young widow Kate Hamilton, contemplates the significance of dreams: All you have to do
Has anyone ever known everything there was to know? Who was the last person to have read every book in
The first time I laid eyes on the Old World I was twenty. It was a wintry day in January.
How many times have you watched the TV mini-series Pride & Prejudice (1995) with Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth Bennett and